LGTM - no issues on google/panther

On 4/21/2016 2:19 PM, Stefan Reinauer wrote:
Hi folks!

We're planning to update the coreboot reference toolchain very soon now,
right after the coreboot 4.4 release which will roughly happen at the
end of this month.

We have fixed a few issues with the new toolchain already, and I am
building and running coreboot images with the new toolchain daily, but
we need more testing from all of you and for all of your coreboot
systems. So please: Build the new toolchain and build and run coreboot
images with it during the next week!

The patch for updating the toolchain is here:

How to build the new toolchain
$ cd coreboot/
$ git fetch https://review.coreboot.org/coreboot
refs/changes/27/14227/11 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD
$ rm -r util/crossgcc/xgcc
$ make crossgcc CPUS=4 # replace with your number of CPU cores
<wait for a while, have lunch or coffee>
$ rm .xcompile
