i have remained very entusiasmated with corebot organization, i have been present in the irc chat room and have seen that the people there is very friendly.

well, i have never programmed nothing regarding bootloaders nor payloads or something related and i would like to begin my integration durring this summer .

i think that the easiest project as an introduction will be the : coreboot ports for mainboards
there must be plenty of people that have already done simmilar project and i think that i will get some help from many people.

furthermore, i have seen that in order to make the support for a new mboard i need several harware to suport the port, they are listed here:

i dont want to buy the additional hardware so i would like to know if some of you(or if u know somebody that could do that) would like to borrow me some  hardware(if possible the complete list of the hardware). i can provide a bail to the person that will borrow me that hardware and if i damage something that person will be able to buy a new hardware to substitute. i also can buy all the transportation costs (to receive and send back all the material).

i am from Lisbon--> Portugal

i thank you in advance for the answer
best regards