On 8/7/07, Corey Osgood <corey.osgood@gmail.com> wrote:
Rudolf Marek wrote:
> I'm typing this message in Thunderbird from LinuxBIOS booted system. Yeah I told
> this last time, but I have still some issues left.

Great job!

> 2) Reboot does not work.
>    I dont know what I have wrong, but my fallback image just produces the
> initial string when console is initialized and nothing more. I have no
> clue what
> is wrong. I dont know what failover and fallback is precisely...
> 5)
> I have some issues with LB itself when preparing various init files. The
> resource system have some serious trouble if I add my file for the
> PCIe bridge
> init. If I call the function not from init or enable methods but from
> general
> init and via pci_find_device, everything will work again. This seems
> like some
> issue with the infrastructure of LB rather than HW problem.

Both of these should be solved with ACPI tables, one of the Epia-M pages
in the wiki has some good info on using iasl. Also make sure
HAVE_HARD_RESET = 0 in mainboard Options.lb

Whoops, that was supposed to be 2) and 4)...

And on 2, it actually tries to reboot but stops after printing the inital banner? No attempt at ram init or anything? It might be that yhlu has set up the k8 to not re-do ram init after a reboot, but I'm not sure.
