
On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 6:14 PM, Peter Stuge <peter@stuge.se> wrote:
Charles Devereaux wrote:
> BTW, here seem to be other ACPI issues.

Yes, there are lots of known issues.

They can all be solved by someone who knows how to solve them, or who
spends the time to learn how to solve them, and then spends the time
to implement the solutions.

I'm sorry if this came as criticizing the work that was done. This was not the intention.

Basically, I am so surprised with how good the x60t is on Linux that I want to make it my "main" computer.

At the moment, I'm still trying to replicate various things to know exactly what exactly will work and what won't (for ex, still can't get a seabios to show me anything while I know from http://www.coreboot.org/pipermail/coreboot/2014-February/077306.html that it should work from grub2 with native video), to see if I can live with the remaining issues.

I was especially surprised since after investigating the TPM by sheer curiosity, I was trying to write a script to make one led blink when the stylus is out so that I won't lose it - and that it couldn't work because of what turned out to also be ACPI issues.

I didn't see the TPM and LEDs issues mentioned on http://www.coreboot.org/Board:lenovo/x60 where only the modem is indicated in yellow (will check that soon) and the LEDs are said to be "Working without special support" (like thinkpad_acpi after some suggested changes) so I  reported my findings without any bad intentions.

I'd be interested to know about the rest of this lot of known issues - I'd love to fix whatever I can while I have some time this summer, even if it might get complicated (ex: I'd like get and set the battery charge start/stop threshold but this requires tp-smapi), so that my new "main" computer is ready for fall.  (or at least I'll know beforehand what won't work)

To start with something practical, regarding devicetree.cb, is there any information on how to use a iasl dump to add the missing things? I've read http://www.coreboot.org/Creating_A_devicetree.cb but it's quite sparse.

I'll try with a replacement DSDT tomorrow, but it's more like a hack to make sure that nothing else is needed.
