
the attached patch does the following:
- renames LinuxBIOS to coreboot; in addition you need to mv linuxbios.c coreboot.c and mv linuxbios_tables.h coreboot_tables.h
- fixes cross compilation with an i386-elf- cross toolchain. i.e. drop all illegal use of system headers, use $(OBJCOPY) instead of objcopy, add $(CROSS)
- instead of preprocessing bootsect.S into bootsect.s, the intermediate file is now called bootsect.pre.s. This fixes compilation of memtest86+ on case insensitive filesystems (like NTFS and HFS+)
- Drop unused HWRPB coreboot table type
- Add support for coreboot table forward. The coreboot table may live somewhere else in memory, in which case there's only a "forwarder" in the lower 1MB of memory.

Best regards,

coresystems GmbH • Brahmsstr. 16 • D-79104 Freiburg i. Br.
      Tel.: +49 761 7668825 • Fax: +49 761 7664613
Email: info@coresystems.dehttp://www.coresystems.de/
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Freiburg • HRB 7656
Geschäftsführer: Stefan Reinauer • Ust-IdNr.: DE245674866