Thank you once again for your help and support.

Managed to build the coreboot 16MB image with FSP, ifwi and descriptor.bin and flashed it on the board. When power-on board, I see Red LED (DS3B1) is ON that seems to be some error. User guide only provide description of 4 LEDs (DS6B1, DS2C1, DS6B2, D5L1) so I assume red led is indicating some error condition.

DS6B1 : Green ON 
DS6B2 : Green ON

No Output on serial console or HDMI.

On Sun, Feb 26, 2017 at 12:42 AM, Andrey Petrov <> wrote:
On 02/25/2017 11:05 AM, Gailu Singh wrote:
Thanks Andrey,

Manage to extract required blob with' I have prebuilt IFWI binary. only missing part is to find/generate correct descriptor.bin. 

just dd if=fitimage.bin bs=4096 count=1 of=descriptor.bin
where fitimage.bin is output from FIT tool.
