
Which supported laptop is the most free?

According to the laptop section of:


The the status of the Roda and Getac board (both "OK") doesn't link to anything. Is the implication that coreboot works flawlessly on these boards? And how bad is the proprietary code? Can Getac and Roda still spy on me with it?

I'd like to get a chromebook. The status is "OK" but links to a page that says there are proprietary components. What is microcode? What is MRC.bin and ME.bin? Again, can google control my laptop with this code?

Finally, if the above options don't pan out, I could get a Lenovo. The X60[s] and T60[p] made no mention of proprietary code. :) Can anyone confirm this? That would be pretty sweet!

The Lenovo X201 supports a faster cpu, but the status links to a page that says it has proprietary components too...anyone know anything about these proprietary components? I don't want Lenovo sending my laptop secret messages!

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. My goal is to build a laptop that is 100% free of proprietary code...

Thanks in advance!