Hello Persmule,

There are CONTRAs to this all mess, but, certainly, there are very strong PROs!

[1] YES, they can book you, no joke (indeed);
[2] It is (very) unpleasant, I should say, to deal with US authorities (I did get, while living in US (Washington DC)  in Y2002 for already 5 years) hint from "friendly" INS that I am (potential) terrorist, but I outsmart INS idiots on the US/CAN border - It was pleasure to deal with idiotic, OUT of Reality INS claims, and with frantic/fanatic INS authorities - BUT you must be fearless... NOT easy to behave under the pressure!
[3] Weak people will bail out from relationship with you, after all. For worse... Or, MAYBE (after all), for better - you decide! ;-)
[4] If you are paranoid, it will hunt you (never hunted me, although INS authorities told me/promised me that I will be forbidden to enter US for the rest of my life in Y2002), after that I lived in USA (from Y2007) for a 9 months). Entered USA in and out MANY times (maybe 50x, from Y2003 till now).

[1] If they arrest you, you will become famous (as Snowden); ;-)
[2] Everybody will want piece of you - imagine, even "lovely" INTEL (ahahhaaaaaaaaa...);
[3] Many young gorgeous world famous young models will be attracted to you: just pick your own preferences! :-))
[4] Hey, you might even become TRUMP-ets favorite adviser, and work shoulder to shoulder with Snowden (did you read lately USA Press Releases)?!

Choice is SOLELY yours, man!

Zoran Stojsavljevic (just to make easier reference for NSA and INS, they'll find out of this email internal notes about me: from 50 year existence - NATO celebration in Washington DC, June 1999, in front of White House - they'll find pictures (in front of White House second floor telescopic pictures [by CIA agents] taken) of me, in Lafayette Park, visa-vi West Side Oral Office). :-)))

On Mon, Dec 5, 2016 at 5:51 AM, Persmule <persmule@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Lee,

Now I am doubting whether I would get arrested like Dmitry Sklyarov if I were to step on the land of USA, for I do not know the opinion about my actions of those DMCA-supporters.


在 2016年11月30日 00:27, Lee Whitney 写道:

Hi Persmule,

In case you didn't see it, your article was well received on HN (link below).

Also I made an offer in the comments, good anytime if you come through Texas someday:

>Beautiful work. Standing offer to buy dinner for any of the contributors 
>if they come through Dallas.

Keep up the good work.


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