Am Sa., 16. März 2019 um 14:51 Uhr schrieb Nico Huber <>:
> There is a lint test, that so far never did something for me because
> it relies on a `.clang-format-scope` file (that is not in the tree?).
> Still, this check seems to be actively maintained.
The idea was to slowly migrate the tree to automatic formatting, and to use the clang-format-scope file to support that:
Once a directory is actively brought into compliance with the style enforced by clang-format we list it there to make sure that it doesn't fall out of compliance again, but without having to handle the entire tree at once (and having to rebase the entire set of open patches on Gerrit at once, for example).

> Did anybody ever use the scope file? Is it used downstream somewhere?
That the file isn't used yet is mostly because that transition hasn't started yet, but Ron attempted to start with Risc-V at some point and I prepared to switch over the Getac mainboard ( This commit both brings that part of the tree into compliance and - once merged - ensures that it remains so.

Since you started another thread, let's move this stuff over there.
