Hi Rudolf,

On Sat Jan 17 2015 at 2:06:10 AM Rudolf Marek <r.marek@assembler.cz> wrote:
Hi all

Just out of curiosity why do we need this? Was there some problem now or in the

No, there is not a specific problem in coreboot now or in the past. Putting a code of conduct in place once there is a problem is too late.  There have been problems in related communities and it is important that we are clear that poor behavior is unacceptable within our community. 
I just read the c c of c and I got this impression that we must be really bad
that we need regulation & arbitration. If nothing like this ever happened I
would like to see some statement that this c c of c is there just to comply with
future problems (or similar like it is trendy ;)

There are real problems with harassment and other behaviors in open source and other online communities. While you may not see them or be exposed to them, it is something we should be sensitive to. Taking a stand and being specific is not trendy, it is part of being a mature and responsible community. 

