On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 5:45 PM, Joseph Smith <joe@settoplinux.org> wrote:

Need some suggestions/help. I think I figured out why coreboot for RCA
RM4100 will not work on the Thomson IP1000. The only difference is that the
IP1000 only has 64MB of onboard memory and the RCA RM4100 has 128MB of
onboard memory. coreboot chokes because there is no onboard spd, so the spd
settings are manually set via an array (see spd_table.h). If you want to
see a high res pic of the boards, they are on my site: www.settoplinux.org

So I guess with that being the only difference, should we create a new
target for the Thomson IP1000 ???

Yeah, that's the easiest way. I also see a memory slot that needs to be accounted for, and a pci slot that might need a change to the irq routing.
