
Thanks for catching this. I will look into it. Most of the ACPI however is not mainboard specific. My setup contains a RADEON GPU and i7-3770 CPU.

Best regards,

Michał Żygowski
Firmware Engineer
https://3mdeb.com | @3mdeb_com
On 17.09.2020 17:33, Henkaku wrote:
After booting into Linux kacpid is constantly using 100% CPU and ACPI
interrupt is firing at ~10k/s.

My test environment is Optiplex 9010 with i5-3470 with dual channel DDR3
and an Nvidia GTX1650 installed as DGPU, running Fedora 32.

Coreboot logs and Linux dmesg is attached below. Captured with a build
of earlier master but still reproducible on the latest master.

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