FILO version 0.5 ( Sun Jan 20 16:18:02 IST 2008 Copyright (C) 2003 by SONE Takeshi and others. Copyright (C) 2005-2006 by coresystems GmbH This program is licensed under the terms of GNU General Public License, version 2 which can be found at collect_sys_info: boot eax = 0xe1fb007 collect_sys_info: boot ebx = 0xf7fd62c0 collect_sys_info: boot arg = 0xf7fd62c0 malloc_diag: alloc: 0 bytes (0 blocks), free: 32760 bytes (1 blocks) malloc_diag: alloc: 24 bytes (1 blocks), free: 32736 bytes (1 blocks) collect_elfboot_info: Bootloader: elfboot collect_elfboot_info: Version: 1.3 malloc_diag: alloc: 40 bytes (2 blocks), free: 32720 bytes (1 blocks) collect_linuxbios_info: Searching for LinuxBIOS tables... find_lb_table: Found candidate at: 00000530 find_lb_table: header checksum o.k. find_lb_table: table checksum o.k. find_lb_table: record count o.k. collect_linuxbios_info: Found LinuxBIOS table at: 00000530 convert_memmap: 0x00000000000000 0x00000000001000 16 convert_memmap: 0x00000000001000 0x0000000009f000 1 convert_memmap: 0x000000000c0000 0x00000000030000 1 convert_memmap: 0x000000000f0000 0x00000000010000 16 convert_memmap: 0x00000000100000 0x000000f7f00000 1 convert_memmap: 0x00000100000000 0x00000008000000 1 convert_memmap: 0x00000108000000 0x00000100000000 1 collect_sys_info: 0000000000001000-00000000000a0000 collect_sys_info: 00000000000c0000-00000000000f0000 collect_sys_info: 0000000000100000-00000000f8000000 collect_sys_info: 0000000100000000-0000000108000000 collect_sys_info: 0000000108000000-0000000208000000 collect_sys_info: RAM 8192 MB relocate: Current location: 0x100000-0x14b327 relocate: Relocating to 0xf7fb4000-0xf7fff327... ok setup_timers: CPU 2195 MHz pci_init: Scanning PCI: found 30 devices malloc_diag: alloc: 408 bytes (3 blocks), free: 32352 bytes (1 blocks) pci_init: 00:01.0 1166:0036 0604 00 pci_init: 00:02.0 1166:0205 0600 00 pci_init: 00:02.1 1166:0214 0101 8a pci_init: 00:02.2 1166:0234 0601 00 pci_init: 00:02.3 1166:0238 0880 00 pci_init: 00:03.0 1166:0223 0c03 10 pci_init: 00:03.1 1166:0223 0c03 10 pci_init: 00:03.2 1166:0223 0c03 20 pci_init: 00:06.0 1166:0140 0604 00 pci_init: 00:07.0 1166:0142 0604 00 pci_init: 00:08.0 1166:0144 0604 00 pci_init: 00:09.0 1166:0142 0604 00 pci_init: 00:0a.0 1166:0144 0604 00 pci_init: 00:18.0 1022:1100 0600 00 pci_init: 00:18.1 1022:1101 0600 00 pci_init: 00:18.2 1022:1102 0600 00 pci_init: 00:18.3 1022:1103 0600 00 pci_init: 00:19.0 1022:1100 0600 00 pci_init: 00:19.1 1022:1101 0600 00 pci_init: 00:19.2 1022:1102 0600 00 pci_init: 00:19.3 1022:1103 0600 00 pci_init: 01:0d.0 1166:0104 0604 00 pci_init: 01:0e.0 1166:024a 0104 80 pci_init: 01:0e.1 1166:024a 0104 8f pci_init: 02:04.0 8086:1079 0200 00 pci_init: 02:04.1 8086:1079 0200 00 pci_init: 06:00.0 8086:105e 0200 00 pci_init: 06:00.1 8086:105e 0200 00 pci_init: 07:00.0 8086:105e 0200 00 pci_init: 07:00.1 8086:105e 0200 00 get_next_menu: next menu: hda1:/grub.con Press for default boot hda1:/grub.con, or for prompt... menu: uda:/grub.con malloc_diag: alloc: 424 bytes (4 blocks), free: 32336 bytes (1 blocks) file_open: dev=uda, path=/grub.con LinuxLabs USB bootloader ohc_init: dword: 0xfc404000 ohc_init: ohc_init num_controllers=0 ohci=12efc0 malloc_diag: alloc: 952 bytes (5 blocks), free: 31808 bytes (1 blocks) ohc_init: ohci->hcca = 0x13b500 ohc_init: ohci->hcca_dma = 0xf7fef500 malloc_diag: alloc: 2520 bytes (6 blocks), free: 30240 bytes (1 blocks) ohc_init: ohci->ed = 13b6b0 ohc_init: i=0, ed->dma = 13b6b0 ohc_init: i=0, ed dma = f7fef6b0 ohc_init: i=1, ed->dma = 13b6e0 ohc_init: i=1, ed dma = f7fef6e0 ohc_init: i=2, ed->dma = 13b710 ohc_init: i=2, ed dma = f7fef710 ohc_init: i=3, ed->dma = 13b740 ohc_init: i=3, ed dma = f7fef740 ohc_init: i=4, ed->dma = 13b770 ohc_init: i=4, ed dma = f7fef770 ohc_init: i=5, ed->dma = 13b7a0 ohc_init: i=5, ed dma = f7fef7a0 ohc_init: i=6, ed->dma = 13b7d0 ohc_init: i=6, ed dma = f7fef7d0 ohc_init: i=7, ed->dma = 13b800 ohc_init: i=7, ed dma = f7fef800 ohc_init: i=8, ed->dma = 13b830 ohc_init: i=8, ed dma = f7fef830 ohc_init: i=9, ed->dma = 13b860 ohc_init: i=9, ed dma = f7fef860 ohc_init: i=10, ed->dma = 13b890 ohc_init: i=10, ed dma = f7fef890 ohc_init: i=11, ed->dma = 13b8c0 ohc_init: i=11, ed dma = f7fef8c0 ohc_init: i=12, ed->dma = 13b8f0 ohc_init: i=12, ed dma = f7fef8f0 ohc_init: i=13, ed->dma = 13b920 ohc_init: i=13, ed dma = f7fef920 ohc_init: i=14, ed->dma = 13b950 ohc_init: i=14, ed dma = f7fef950 ohc_init: i=15, ed->dma = 13b980 ohc_init: i=15, ed dma = f7fef980 ohc_init: i=16, ed->dma = 13b9b0 ohc_init: i=16, ed dma = f7fef9b0 ohc_init: i=17, ed->dma = 13b9e0 ohc_init: i=17, ed dma = f7fef9e0 ohc_init: i=18, ed->dma = 13ba10 ohc_init: i=18, ed dma = f7fefa10 ohc_init: i=19, ed->dma = 13ba40 ohc_init: i=19, ed dma = f7fefa40 ohc_init: i=20, ed->dma = 13ba70 ohc_init: i=20, ed dma = f7fefa70 ohc_init: i=21, ed->dma = 13baa0 ohc_init: i=21, ed dma = f7fefaa0 ohc_init: i=22, ed->dma = 13bad0 ohc_init: i=22, ed dma = f7fefad0 ohc_init: i=23, ed->dma = 13bb00 ohc_init: i=23, ed dma = f7fefb00 ohc_init: i=24, ed->dma = 13bb30 ohc_init: i=24, ed dma = f7fefb30 ohc_init: i=25, ed->dma = 13bb60 ohc_init: i=25, ed dma = f7fefb60 ohc_init: i=26, ed->dma = 13bb90 ohc_init: i=26, ed dma = f7fefb90 ohc_init: i=27, ed->dma = 13bbc0 ohc_init: i=27, ed dma = f7fefbc0 ohc_init: i=28, ed->dma = 13bbf0 ohc_init: i=28, ed dma = f7fefbf0 ohc_init: i=29, ed->dma = 13bc20 ohc_init: i=29, ed dma = f7fefc20 ohc_init: i=30, ed->dma = 13bc50 ohc_init: i=30, ed dma = f7fefc50 ohc_init: i=31, ed->dma = 13bc80 ohc_init: i=31, ed dma = f7fefc80 malloc_diag: alloc: 2864 bytes (7 blocks), free: 29896 bytes (1 blocks) malloc_diag: alloc: 3160 bytes (8 blocks), free: 29600 bytes (1 blocks) ohc_init: word: 0x147 ohc_init: Found OHCI at 04550000 ohc_reset: Resetting OHCI ohc_reset: USB HC reset_hc usb-04550000: ctrl = 0x0 ;NDP: 0x2 ohc_init: PCI posting flush: 0x0 ohc_start: Starting OHCI ohc_start: ohci_regs->hcca = 0x0 ohc_start: ohci_regs->hcca = 0xf7fef500 ohc_start: PCI posting flush: 0x80000013 ohc_start: delaytime: 10 ohc_init: ohci->ed = 13b6b0 ohc_init: dword: 0xfc405000 ohc_init: ohc_init num_controllers=1 ohci=12f070 malloc_diag: alloc: 3688 bytes (9 blocks), free: 29072 bytes (1 blocks) ohc_init: ohci->hcca = 0x13c000 ohc_init: ohci->hcca_dma = 0xf7ff0000 malloc_diag: alloc: 5256 bytes (10 blocks), free: 27504 bytes (1 blocks) ohc_init: ohci->ed = 13c160 ohc_init: i=0, ed->dma = 13c160 ohc_init: i=0, ed dma = f7ff0160 ohc_init: i=1, ed->dma = 13c190 ohc_init: i=1, ed dma = f7ff0190 ohc_init: i=2, ed->dma = 13c1c0 ohc_init: i=2, ed dma = f7ff01c0 ohc_init: i=3, ed->dma = 13c1f0 ohc_init: i=3, ed dma = f7ff01f0 ohc_init: i=4, ed->dma = 13c220 ohc_init: i=4, ed dma = f7ff0220 ohc_init: i=5, ed->dma = 13c250 ohc_init: i=5, ed dma = f7ff0250 ohc_init: i=6, ed->dma = 13c280 ohc_init: i=6, ed dma = f7ff0280 ohc_init: i=7, ed->dma = 13c2b0 ohc_init: i=7, ed dma = f7ff02b0 ohc_init: i=8, ed->dma = 13c2e0 ohc_init: i=8, ed dma = f7ff02e0 ohc_init: i=9, ed->dma = 13c310 ohc_init: i=9, ed dma = f7ff0310 ohc_init: i=10, ed->dma = 13c340 ohc_init: i=10, ed dma = f7ff0340 ohc_init: i=11, ed->dma = 13c370 ohc_init: i=11, ed dma = f7ff0370 ohc_init: i=12, ed->dma = 13c3a0 ohc_init: i=12, ed dma = f7ff03a0 ohc_init: i=13, ed->dma = 13c3d0 ohc_init: i=13, ed dma = f7ff03d0 ohc_init: i=14, ed->dma = 13c400 ohc_init: i=14, ed dma = f7ff0400 ohc_init: i=15, ed->dma = 13c430 ohc_init: i=15, ed dma = f7ff0430 ohc_init: i=16, ed->dma = 13c460 ohc_init: i=16, ed dma = f7ff0460 ohc_init: i=17, ed->dma = 13c490 ohc_init: i=17, ed dma = f7ff0490 ohc_init: i=18, ed->dma = 13c4c0 ohc_init: i=18, ed dma = f7ff04c0 ohc_init: i=19, ed->dma = 13c4f0 ohc_init: i=19, ed dma = f7ff04f0 ohc_init: i=20, ed->dma = 13c520 ohc_init: i=20, ed dma = f7ff0520 ohc_init: i=21, ed->dma = 13c550 ohc_init: i=21, ed dma = f7ff0550 ohc_init: i=22, ed->dma = 13c580 ohc_init: i=22, ed dma = f7ff0580 ohc_init: i=23, ed->dma = 13c5b0 ohc_init: i=23, ed dma = f7ff05b0 ohc_init: i=24, ed->dma = 13c5e0 ohc_init: i=24, ed dma = f7ff05e0 ohc_init: i=25, ed->dma = 13c610 ohc_init: i=25, ed dma = f7ff0610 ohc_init: i=26, ed->dma = 13c640 ohc_init: i=26, ed dma = f7ff0640 ohc_init: i=27, ed->dma = 13c670 ohc_init: i=27, ed dma = f7ff0670 ohc_init: i=28, ed->dma = 13c6a0 ohc_init: i=28, ed dma = f7ff06a0 ohc_init: i=29, ed->dma = 13c6d0 ohc_init: i=29, ed dma = f7ff06d0 ohc_init: i=30, ed->dma = 13c700 ohc_init: i=30, ed dma = f7ff0700 ohc_init: i=31, ed->dma = 13c730 ohc_init: i=31, ed dma = f7ff0730 malloc_diag: alloc: 5600 bytes (11 blocks), free: 27160 bytes (1 blocks) malloc_diag: alloc: 5896 bytes (12 blocks), free: 26864 bytes (1 blocks) ohc_init: word: 0x147 ohc_init: Found OHCI at 04551000 ohc_reset: Resetting OHCI ohc_reset: USB HC reset_hc usb-04551000: ctrl = 0x0 ;NDP: 0x2 ohc_init: PCI posting flush: 0x0 ohc_start: Starting OHCI ohc_start: ohci_regs->hcca = 0x0 ohc_start: ohci_regs->hcca = 0xf7ff0000 ohc_start: PCI posting flush: 0x80000013 ohc_start: delaytime: 10 ohc_init: ohci->ed = 13c160 malloc_diag: alloc: 7480 bytes (13 blocks), free: 25280 bytes (1 blocks) poll_usb: poll_usb1 i=0 poll_o_root_hub1 v=00000100 port = 4550054, controller = 0 poll_o_root_hub: poll_o_root_hub1 v=00000100 port = 4550058, controller = 0 poll_usb: poll_usb1 i=1 poll_o_root_hub1 v=00000100 port = 4551054, controller = 1 poll_o_root_hub: poll_o_root_hub1 v=00000100 port = 4551058, controller = 1 devopen: failed to open usb malloc_diag: alloc: 7464 bytes (12 blocks), free: 25296 bytes (2 blocks) Could not open menu.lst file 'uda:/grub.con'. Entering command line. get_next_menu: next menu: sda1:/grub/grub.con Press for default boot sda1:/grub/grub.con, or for prompt... menu: uda:/grub.con malloc_diag: alloc: 7480 bytes (13 blocks), free: 25280 bytes (2 blocks) file_open: dev=uda, path=/grub.con LinuxLabs USB bootloader ohc_init: dword: 0xfc404000 ohc_init: ohc_init num_controllers=0 ohci=12efc0 malloc_diag: alloc: 8008 bytes (14 blocks), free: 24752 bytes (2 blocks) ohc_init: ohci->hcca = 0x13d100 ohc_init: ohci->hcca_dma = 0xf7ff1100 malloc_diag: alloc: 9576 bytes (15 blocks), free: 23184 bytes (2 blocks) ohc_init: ohci->ed = 13d250 ohc_init: i=0, ed->dma = 13d250 ohc_init: i=0, ed dma = f7ff1250 ohc_init: i=1, ed->dma = 13d280 ohc_init: i=1, ed dma = f7ff1280 ohc_init: i=2, ed->dma = 13d2b0 ohc_init: i=2, ed dma = f7ff12b0 ohc_init: i=3, ed->dma = 13d2e0 ohc_init: i=3, ed dma = f7ff12e0 ohc_init: i=4, ed->dma = 13d310 ohc_init: i=4, ed dma = f7ff1310 ohc_init: i=5, ed->dma = 13d340 ohc_init: i=5, ed dma = f7ff1340 ohc_init: i=6, ed->dma = 13d370 ohc_init: i=6, ed dma = f7ff1370 ohc_init: i=7, ed->dma = 13d3a0 ohc_init: i=7, ed dma = f7ff13a0 ohc_init: i=8, ed->dma = 13d3d0 ohc_init: i=8, ed dma = f7ff13d0 ohc_init: i=9, ed->dma = 13d400 ohc_init: i=9, ed dma = f7ff1400 ohc_init: i=10, ed->dma = 13d430 ohc_init: i=10, ed dma = f7ff1430 ohc_init: i=11, ed->dma = 13d460 ohc_init: i=11, ed dma = f7ff1460 ohc_init: i=12, ed->dma = 13d490 ohc_init: i=12, ed dma = f7ff1490 ohc_init: i=13, ed->dma = 13d4c0 ohc_init: i=13, ed dma = f7ff14c0 ohc_init: i=14, ed->dma = 13d4f0 ohc_init: i=14, ed dma = f7ff14f0 ohc_init: i=15, ed->dma = 13d520 ohc_init: i=15, ed dma = f7ff1520 ohc_init: i=16, ed->dma = 13d550 ohc_init: i=16, ed dma = f7ff1550 ohc_init: i=17, ed->dma = 13d580 ohc_init: i=17, ed dma = f7ff1580 ohc_init: i=18, ed->dma = 13d5b0 ohc_init: i=18, ed dma = f7ff15b0 ohc_init: i=19, ed->dma = 13d5e0 ohc_init: i=19, ed dma = f7ff15e0 ohc_init: i=20, ed->dma = 13d610 ohc_init: i=20, ed dma = f7ff1610 ohc_init: i=21, ed->dma = 13d640 ohc_init: i=21, ed dma = f7ff1640 ohc_init: i=22, ed->dma = 13d670 ohc_init: i=22, ed dma = f7ff1670 ohc_init: i=23, ed->dma = 13d6a0 ohc_init: i=23, ed dma = f7ff16a0 ohc_init: i=24, ed->dma = 13d6d0 ohc_init: i=24, ed dma = f7ff16d0 ohc_init: i=25, ed->dma = 13d700 ohc_init: i=25, ed dma = f7ff1700 ohc_init: i=26, ed->dma = 13d730 ohc_init: i=26, ed dma = f7ff1730 ohc_init: i=27, ed->dma = 13d760 ohc_init: i=27, ed dma = f7ff1760 ohc_init: i=28, ed->dma = 13d790 ohc_init: i=28, ed dma = f7ff1790 ohc_init: i=29, ed->dma = 13d7c0 ohc_init: i=29, ed dma = f7ff17c0 ohc_init: i=30, ed->dma = 13d7f0 ohc_init: i=30, ed dma = f7ff17f0 ohc_init: i=31, ed->dma = 13d820 ohc_init: i=31, ed dma = f7ff1820 malloc_diag: alloc: 9920 bytes (16 blocks), free: 22840 bytes (2 blocks) malloc_diag: alloc: 10216 bytes (17 blocks), free: 22544 bytes (2 blocks) ohc_init: word: 0x147 ohc_init: Found OHCI at 04550000 ohc_reset: Resetting OHCI ohc_reset: USB HC reset_hc usb-04550000: ctrl = 0x83 ;NDP: 0x2 ohc_init: PCI posting flush: 0x0 ohc_start: Starting OHCI ohc_start: ohci_regs->hcca = 0x0 ohc_start: ohci_regs->hcca = 0xf7ff1100 ohc_start: PCI posting flush: 0x80000013 ohc_start: delaytime: 10 ohc_init: ohci->ed = 13d250 ohc_init: dword: 0xfc405000 ohc_init: ohc_init num_controllers=1 ohci=12f070 malloc_diag: alloc: 10744 bytes (18 blocks), free: 22016 bytes (2 blocks) ohc_init: ohci->hcca = 0x13db00 ohc_init: ohci->hcca_dma = 0xf7ff1b00 malloc_diag: alloc: 12312 bytes (19 blocks), free: 20448 bytes (2 blocks) ohc_init: ohci->ed = 13dd00 ohc_init: i=0, ed->dma = 13dd00 ohc_init: i=0, ed dma = f7ff1d00 ohc_init: i=1, ed->dma = 13dd30 ohc_init: i=1, ed dma = f7ff1d30 ohc_init: i=2, ed->dma = 13dd60 ohc_init: i=2, ed dma = f7ff1d60 ohc_init: i=3, ed->dma = 13dd90 ohc_init: i=3, ed dma = f7ff1d90 ohc_init: i=4, ed->dma = 13ddc0 ohc_init: i=4, ed dma = f7ff1dc0 ohc_init: i=5, ed->dma = 13ddf0 ohc_init: i=5, ed dma = f7ff1df0 ohc_init: i=6, ed->dma = 13de20 ohc_init: i=6, ed dma = f7ff1e20 ohc_init: i=7, ed->dma = 13de50 ohc_init: i=7, ed dma = f7ff1e50 ohc_init: i=8, ed->dma = 13de80 ohc_init: i=8, ed dma = f7ff1e80 ohc_init: i=9, ed->dma = 13deb0 ohc_init: i=9, ed dma = f7ff1eb0 ohc_init: i=10, ed->dma = 13dee0 ohc_init: i=10, ed dma = f7ff1ee0 ohc_init: i=11, ed->dma = 13df10 ohc_init: i=11, ed dma = f7ff1f10 ohc_init: i=12, ed->dma = 13df40 ohc_init: i=12, ed dma = f7ff1f40 ohc_init: i=13, ed->dma = 13df70 ohc_init: i=13, ed dma = f7ff1f70 ohc_init: i=14, ed->dma = 13dfa0 ohc_init: i=14, ed dma = f7ff1fa0 ohc_init: i=15, ed->dma = 13dfd0 ohc_init: i=15, ed dma = f7ff1fd0 ohc_init: i=16, ed->dma = 13e000 ohc_init: i=16, ed dma = f7ff2000 ohc_init: i=17, ed->dma = 13e030 ohc_init: i=17, ed dma = f7ff2030 ohc_init: i=18, ed->dma = 13e060 ohc_init: i=18, ed dma = f7ff2060 ohc_init: i=19, ed->dma = 13e090 ohc_init: i=19, ed dma = f7ff2090 ohc_init: i=20, ed->dma = 13e0c0 ohc_init: i=20, ed dma = f7ff20c0 ohc_init: i=21, ed->dma = 13e0f0 ohc_init: i=21, ed dma = f7ff20f0 ohc_init: i=22, ed->dma = 13e120 ohc_init: i=22, ed dma = f7ff2120 ohc_init: i=23, ed->dma = 13e150 ohc_init: i=23, ed dma = f7ff2150 ohc_init: i=24, ed->dma = 13e180 ohc_init: i=24, ed dma = f7ff2180 ohc_init: i=25, ed->dma = 13e1b0 ohc_init: i=25, ed dma = f7ff21b0 ohc_init: i=26, ed->dma = 13e1e0 ohc_init: i=26, ed dma = f7ff21e0 ohc_init: i=27, ed->dma = 13e210 ohc_init: i=27, ed dma = f7ff2210 ohc_init: i=28, ed->dma = 13e240 ohc_init: i=28, ed dma = f7ff2240 ohc_init: i=29, ed->dma = 13e270 ohc_init: i=29, ed dma = f7ff2270 ohc_init: i=30, ed->dma = 13e2a0 ohc_init: i=30, ed dma = f7ff22a0 ohc_init: i=31, ed->dma = 13e2d0 ohc_init: i=31, ed dma = f7ff22d0 malloc_diag: alloc: 12656 bytes (20 blocks), free: 20104 bytes (2 blocks) malloc_diag: alloc: 12952 bytes (21 blocks), free: 19808 bytes (2 blocks) ohc_init: word: 0x147 ohc_init: Found OHCI at 04551000 ohc_reset: Resetting OHCI ohc_reset: USB HC reset_hc usb-04551000: ctrl = 0x83 ;NDP: 0x2 ohc_init: PCI posting flush: 0x0 ohc_start: Starting OHCI ohc_start: ohci_regs->hcca = 0x0 ohc_start: ohci_regs->hcca = 0xf7ff1b00 ohc_start: PCI posting flush: 0x80000013 ohc_start: delaytime: 10 ohc_init: ohci->ed = 13dd00 malloc_diag: alloc: 14536 bytes (22 blocks), free: 18224 bytes (2 blocks) poll_usb: poll_usb1 i=0 poll_o_root_hub1 v=00000100 port = 4550054, controller = 0 poll_o_root_hub: poll_o_root_hub1 v=00010101 port = 4550058, controller = 0 poll_o_root_hub: poll_o_root_hub2 v=00010101 poll_o_root_hub21 v=00010101 Connection on port 4550058 poll_o_root_hub: poll_o_root_hub211 v=00000101 Wakup 4550058 poll_o_root_hub: poll_o_root_hub212 v=00000101 poll_o_root_hub213 v=00000103 poll_o_root_hub214 v=00000103 New USB device, sett ing address 2 ep_link: ep_link control 21 ed->dma = f7ff1250 configure_device: Fetching device descriptor length configure_device: Fetching device descriptor configure_device: Fetching config descriptor length configure_device: Fetching config descriptor configure_device: device: dump_device_descriptor: bLength: 12 dump_device_descriptor: type: 01 dump_device_descriptor: bcdVersion: 20 dump_device_descriptor: Class: 00 dump_device_descriptor: SubClass: 00 dump_device_descriptor: protocol: 00 dump_device_descriptor: max_packet: 40 dump_device_descriptor: idVendor: 0951 dump_device_descriptor: idProduct: 1603 dump_device_descriptor: bcdDeviceVersion: 20 dump_device_descriptor: iManufacturor: 01 dump_device_descriptor: iProduct: 02 dump_device_descriptor: iSerial: 03 dump_device_descriptor: bNumConfig: 01 configure_device: config: dump_config_descriptor: bLength: 09 dump_config_descriptor: type: 02 dump_config_descriptor: wTotalLength: 0020 dump_config_descriptor: bNumInterfaces: 01 dump_config_descriptor: bConfigurationValue: 01 dump_config_descriptor: iConfiguration: 00 dump_config_descriptor: bmAttributes: 80 dump_config_descriptor: bMaxPower: 32 dump_config_descriptor: Interface(14ab88): dump_interface_descriptor: bLength: 09 dump_interface_descriptor: type: 04 dump_interface_descriptor: bInterfaceNumber: 00 dump_interface_descriptor: bAlternateSetting: 00 dump_interface_descriptor: bNumEndpoints: 02 dump_interface_descriptor: bInterfaceClass: 08 dump_interface_descriptor: bInterfaceSubClass: 06 dump_interface_descriptor: bInterfaceProtocol: 50 dump_interface_descriptor: iInterface: 00 dump_config_descriptor: Endpoint (14ab91): dump_endpoint_descriptor: bLength: 07 dump_endpoint_descriptor: type: 05 dump_endpoint_descriptor: bEndpointAddress: 81 dump_endpoint_descriptor: bmAttributes: 02 dump_endpoint_descriptor: wMaxPacketSize: 40 dump_endpoint_descriptor: bInterval: 00 dump_config_descriptor: Endpoint (14ab98): dump_endpoint_descriptor: bLength: 07 dump_endpoint_descriptor: type: 05 dump_endpoint_descriptor: bEndpointAddress: 02 dump_endpoint_descriptor: bmAttributes: 02 dump_endpoint_descriptor: wMaxPacketSize: 40 dump_endpoint_descriptor: bInterval: 00 configure_device: Selecting Configuration number 1: configure_device: class:subclass:protocol=08:06:50 Manufacturor: Kingston dl_reverse_done_list: OHCI_INTR_WDH cleared intrstatus=46 value=2 Product: DataTraveler 2.00000000447 Serial: 0000000447 configure_device: DEVICE CONFIGURED poll_o_root_hub: poll_o_root_hub215 v=00000103 addr = 2 poll_usb: poll_usb1 i=1 poll_o_root_hub1 v=00000100 port = 4551054, controller = 1 poll_o_root_hub: poll_o_root_hub1 v=00000100 port = 4551058, controller = 1 poll_usb: poll_usb1 i=0 poll_o_root_hub1 v=00000100 port = 4550054, controller = 0 poll_o_root_hub: poll_o_root_hub1 v=00000103 port = 4550058, controller = 0 poll_usb: poll_usb1 i=1 poll_o_root_hub1 v=00000100 port = 4551054, controller = 1 poll_o_root_hub: poll_o_root_hub1 v=00000100 port = 4551058, controller = 1 Found USB block device 2 Mounted fat malloc_diag: alloc: 14520 bytes (21 blocks), free: 18240 bytes (3 blocks) FILO 0.5