On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 6:26 PM, Jen-Cheng(Tommy) Huang <tommy24@gatech.edu> wrote:

I am using coreboot v3 with FILO.
I specify "qemu -L . vd.img -smp 4".
But I always see one cpu in /proc/cpuinfo.
Then I tried if SMP works in v2.
However, when I tried to boot, qemu showed the following error messages: (v3 works fine here)

CBFS: follow chain: fff9b800 + 28 + 547d8 + align -> ffff0000
CBFS:  Could not find file normal/coreboot_ram
Jumping to image.
qemu: fatal: Trying to execute code outside RAM or ROM at 0x000a0000
Have you modified it?  I just tried the latest from svn, and I don't get that error.
