On Mon, 23 Jun 2003 16:31:44 +0900, SONE Takeshi wrote:
>On Sun, Jun 22, 2003 at 07:22:45PM -0600, ron minnich wrote:
>>OK, I am now seeing these K7SEM lockups I think from more than one person,
>>happening in that 'set UC on the fixed MTRRs' step.
>I've seen this symptom on EPIA when the RAM is not correctly
>I thought that until MTRR is set to UnCacheable, linuxbios_c runs on
>cache, not RAM.
>>Is there any chance that recent changes to improve boot time have caused
>>trouble in the K7-based boards?
>At least my modification to enable cache on 0xF0000-0xFFFFF area
>is not in CVS.
hi there,
    is there anything i can do on my system, since its here and ready to rock n roll n compile, that will contribute/help in getting the K7SEM up and running in light of the recent changes to LInuxBIOS. Also, can i access an earlier version of the linuxbios CVS tree that might be more fruitfull?
Best regards
Alex Scarbro, linuxbios@techfreakz.net on 24/06/2003