Dear LinuxBIOSers,

I have a brand new VIA EPIA M-II (with 1 GHz CPU) motherboard that I would like to boot faster than by factory default (carputer projects). I have following purchased BIOS Savior from FrozenCPU : RD1-PMC2 but it seems that it is the wrong one (I have installed the BIOS Savior but the motherboard doesn't boot, I have tried both positions of the switch). After replacing the original BIOS back on the motherboard the boot works OK, so it seems that's definitely the BIOS Savior chip that is not working.

I am tempted to do the direct flashing (ie. without the BIOS Savior) but I know that's pretty risky... especially that I want the motherboard boot Linux from CF port (I read the howto and I think I know what to do) which can be tricky.

Greetings to all LinuxBIOS users & developers,
