Hello Trammell,

Reading what you are trying. Have no idea what Qubes OS is... I apologize for my ignorance, but I am (fortunately) willing to learn. New OSes, new tricks, and this old dog (me) is still willing to learn new tricks (in other words, also learning experience for me)?! ;-)

So, since you are coming to dracut after all, I am suspecting that something with your initramfs is not quite right... It often happens to me with Linux distros I am using for HW/SoC testing (95% Fedora distro).

In order to determine what is really wrong with your setup, I asked my best friend for dozens of years: www.google.com, searching for pattern -> initramfs-4.1.13-9.pvops.qubes.x86_64.img

The following appeared: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/qubes-users/DYw6f2LpDA8/z4fDsy9CBwAJ

And this cot my eye (from Marek Marczykowski-Górecki): 
Probably some module required for your baremetal fedora is missing in 
initramfs. First of all, remove "quiet" option to receive more details. 
If that's about missing module, you can regenerate initramfs: 
0. Make sure you've copied modules from Qubes 
1. Call "dracut -f /initramfs-4.1.13-9.pvops.qubes.x86_64.img 

Could help (you might search other options with the provided search pattern) ... :-)

Please, let us know.


On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 6:05 AM, Trammell Hudson <hudson@trmm.net> wrote:
I've successfully built a 4.6.4 Linux kernel payload for CoreBoot and
flashed it onto the top 4 MB of the boot ROM on my Thinkpad x230.
The runtime is a dynamic linked busybox with glibc, as well as a copy
of the kexec binary from my Ubuntu laptop.

kexec of a xen kernel (multiboot-x86) results in an immediate reboot
into the coreboot payload:


kexec of a Linux kernel produces the expected result (panic in this
case since I didn't pass any additional parameters to find a root fs):


This might be a xen problem (triple fault leading to reset vector?)
rather than a coreboot issue, however the same Xen hypervisor config
works with grub2 on the drive loaded by seabios payload.

There is this old document that describes a "--vmm" option to kexec,
but that doesn't seem to exist in the current kexec tree:



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