Hi Sergio

Nice to see more people from South America here (I'm from Brazil).

I don't have so much experience with coreboot like other guys here, but I believe you could port coreboot to some platform that is still not supported.
What do you think ?
Just remember that this may take from some hours to months, since you probably have a target date.

Maybe someone here have other ideas.

Thanks and Regards
Rafael R. Machado

Em ter, 28 de jun de 2016 às 02:54, Sergio Valverde <valverde791@gmail.com> escreveu:

My name is Sergio Valverde and I'm a student at Universidad de Costa Rica. I came across Google Summer of Code and I'm very interested in collaborating with you if any project of those is still available. I'm eager to participate in an open source project, especially one that involves Linux device drivers and Kernel hacking. 

I'm currently finishing my licentiate ("licenciatura") degree, which would be a degree between bachelor and master here in Costa Rica. For graduation, it requires a bachelor-level thesis, so I wanted to know if you have a project that has that kind of scope (or if I can propose one) and if it would be available for a student like me to collaborate. 

My background is in electronic engineering and I'm currently working as an embedded software developer in Hewlett Packard Enterprise in Costa Rica. I'm working in a SDK team for a networking ASIC and my main duties have involved building firmware images with Yocto, writing Linux device drivers for PCIe and coding software to interface high-level functions with hardware registers.

I'm really looking forward for whatever information you can give me in this matter. I attached my resume to this mail and my Linkedin profile URL is https://cr.linkedin.com/in/sergio-valverde-9058b971.

Hopefully we can work together.
Sergio Valverde
coreboot mailing list: coreboot@coreboot.org