
I am trying to build an hdama target with LinuxBIOSv2 and came across this compile error:

coherent_ht.c:1752.25: coherent_ht.c:1836.41: auto.c:193.47: warning: used: %ecx
coherent_ht.c:1752.25: coherent_ht.c:1836.41: auto.c:193.47: warning: used: %edx
coherent_ht.c:1752.25: coherent_ht.c:1836.41: auto.c:193.47: warning: used: %esi
coherent_ht.c:1752.25: coherent_ht.c:1836.41: auto.c:193.47: warning: used: %edi
coherent_ht.c:1752.25: coherent_ht.c:1836.41: auto.c:193.47: warning: used: %ebp
coherent_ht.c:1752.25: coherent_ht.c:1836.41: auto.c:193.47: warning: used: %esp
coherent_ht.c:1752.25: coherent_ht.c:1836.41: auto.c:193.47: warning: used: %edx:%eax
coherent_ht.c:1752.25: coherent_ht.c:1836.41: auto.c:193.47: warning: used: %dx:%ax
coherent_ht.c:1752.25: coherent_ht.c:1836.41: auto.c:193.47:
too few registers
make[1]: *** [auto.inc] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/LinuxBIOSv2/targets/arima/hdama/hdama/normal'
make: *** [normal/linuxbios.rom] Error 1

I noticed this was mentioned in a 2004 mailing list post by Eric Biederman.  The final message, from YhLu, included what appeared to be the fix.  I looked at coherent_ht.c and it looks like it was applied.

Also, Arima has a new revision to the hdama board that changes the pci layout slightly.  The newest revision is:

(lspci -n)

00:18.0 Class 0600: 1022:1100
00:18.1 Class 0600: 1022:1101
00:18.2 Class 0600: 1022:1102
00:18.3 Class 0600: 1022:1103
00:19.0 Class 0600: 1022:1100
00:19.1 Class 0600: 1022:1101
00:19.2 Class 0600: 1022:1102
00:19.3 Class 0600: 1022:1103
01:01.0 Class 0604: 1022:7450 (rev 12)
01:01.1 Class 0800: 1022:7451 (rev 01)
01:02.0 Class 0604: 1022:7450 (rev 12)
01:02.1 Class 0800: 1022:7451 (rev 01)
01:03.0 Class 0604: 1022:7460 (rev 07)
01:04.0 Class 0601: 1022:7468 (rev 05)
01:04.1 Class 0101: 1022:7469 (rev 03)
01:04.2 Class 0c05: 1022:746a (rev 02)
01:04.3 Class 0680: 1022:746b (rev 05)
01:04.6 Class 0703: 1022:746e (rev 03)
02:03.0 Class 0200: 14e4:1648 (rev 10)
02:03.1 Class 0200: 14e4:1648 (rev 10)
03:01.0 Class 0280: 14c1:8043 (rev 04)
04:00.0 Class 0c03: 1022:7464 (rev 0b)
04:00.1 Class 0c03: 1022:7464 (rev 0b)
04:06.0 Class 0300: 1002:4752 (rev 27)
04:07.0 Class 0180: 1095:3114 (rev 02)

The last line is the SATA controller, which is optional on the new board.  The broadcom chips are now on 2:03.0/1 instead of 2:03.0/2:04.0.

The previous board revisions had the following pci layout:

00:18.0 Class 0600: 1022:1100
00:18.1 Class 0600: 1022:1101
00:18.2 Class 0600: 1022:1102
00:18.3 Class 0600: 1022:1103
00:19.0 Class 0600: 1022:1100
00:19.1 Class 0600: 1022:1101
00:19.2 Class 0600: 1022:1102
00:19.3 Class 0600: 1022:1103
01:01.0 Class 0604: 1022:7450 (rev 12)
01:01.1 Class 0800: 1022:7451 (rev 01)
01:02.0 Class 0604: 1022:7450 (rev 12)
01:02.1 Class 0800: 1022:7451 (rev 01)
01:03.0 Class 0604: 1022:7460 (rev 07)
01:04.0 Class 0601: 1022:7468 (rev 05)
01:04.1 Class 0101: 1022:7469 (rev 03)
01:04.2 Class 0c05: 1022:746a (rev 02)
01:04.3 Class 0000: 1022:746b (rev 05)
02:03.0 Class 0200: 14e4:16a6 (rev 02)
02:04.0 Class 0200: 14e4:16a6 (rev 02)
03:01.0 Class 0280: 14c1:8043 (rev 04)
04:00.0 Class 0c03: 1022:7464 (rev 0b)
04:00.1 Class 0c03: 1022:7464 (rev 0b)
04:00.2 Class 0c03: 1022:7463 (rev 02)
04:06.0 Class 0300: 1002:4752 (rev 27)

Will this require a new mainboard target?  I would appreciate any help you can provide!


Kevin Tegtmeier
HPC-3 Scientific Computing Resources
Los Alamos National Laboratory
email:  kevint at lanl dot gov