A new post titled "[GSoC] Better RISC-V support, wrap-up" has been published on the coreboot blog. Find the full post at http://blogs.coreboot.org/blog/2016/08/23/gsoc-better-risc-v-support-wrap-up/

In less than an hour, Google Summer of Code 2016 will be over (at least for us students). In this blog post, I will describe how you can use coreboot on RISC-V.

You can find the complete list of commits that I made during GSoC with this gerrit query.

The details

Compiling spike, the RISC-V instruction-set-level simulator

Spike, also known as riscv-isa-sim, is the reference implementation of RISC-V, and the only RISC-V platform that is currently known to work with coreboot (QEMU is nominally also supported, but the corresponding coreboot code has not been updated in a while).

First, you need to build and install libfesvr:

Then, you can compile and install spike:

Compiling coreboot for RISC-V

Compiling and running Linux

Next, you need to add vmlinux to coreboot:

Future work

Even though my GSoC is over, coreboot’s support for RISC-V can still be improved, and I intend to fix at least some of the following things:


I’d like to thank Ron Minnich and Furquan Shaikh for being good mentors, and everyone in the coreboot community for being helpful and friendly.