One thing I think you'd enjoy doing is building the qemu target, setting up qemu with gdb, and just watching what happens, instruction by instruction, as the system boots.


On Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 3:28 AM Rafael Machado <> wrote:

Hi Peter and Rudolf.
Thanks for the answers and tips. They are realy helpfull !
I'll take a look.

Rafael R. Machado

Em Sáb, 9 de jan de 2016 17:19, Rudolf Marek <> escreveu:

I guess your question is more general than the coreboot related right?

If you have a firmware image dump of the flash (not the file you download from
board vendor) then yes, first location to be executed is the instruction located
16 bytes before end of the image.

In coreboot see in build/ bootblock_inc.S which also has and which is a real start. Consult the Intel or AMD manual to see the
CPU state after reset. The CPU starts in real mode, but CS base is shifted to
last 64KB before end of 4GB address space. In general your CPU starts in
compatible mode with 8086 manufactured in 1978.

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