Hi Matt,

Unfortunately not. I just have studied Git log for changes in SecurityPkg to determine whether white paper is valid or not. The only thing that helped me achieve the goal was the OVMF package and its modified modules taken from SecurityPkg on the master branch. So basically nothing in a document format like white paper or similar.


On 13.09.2019 23:08, Matt B wrote:

Are there any up-to-date references you're aware of, for those interested?


On Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 8:44 AM Michal Zygowski <michal.zygowski@3mdeb.com> wrote:
Thank you for response. I already got that working actually yesterdays
evening :)

If you mean the white paper A Tour Beyond BIOS with the UEFI TPM2
Support in EDKII and the wiki on GitHub, I have also encountered these
guides. They have removed TrEE protocol and rewritten whole TCG2 stack.
So most of the guidelines in this white paper are useless unfortunately.

Some modifications to included libraries and components in DSC and few
INFs in FDF. At last few PCD fixes and done.


On 13.09.2019 02:33, benjamin.doron00@gmail.com wrote:
> I remember seeing a guide on Tianocore's wiki on GitHub that I was meaning to follow after porting coreboot to my laptop. From memory, it's a matter of adding some "includes" to the package you plan to build. Hopefully isn't much more than that.
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Michał Żygowski
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Michał Żygowski
Firmware Engineer
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