On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 12:06 PM, Hugh Greenberg <hng@lanl.gov> wrote:

It worked.  Coreboot boots with SB_HT_CHAIN_ON_BUS_0 set to one and the previous patch.  Seabios also detects the network devices without setting CONFIG_PCI_ROOT1 to 0x02.  Attached is the output.  Seabios was compiled with DEBUG_LEVEL set to 8.

ERROR - cound not find bus for node 0 chain 0, using defaults
ERROR - could not find PCI 1:01.0, using defaults
ERROR - could not find PCI 1:02.0, using defaults
Wrote the mp table end at: 000f0410 - 000f05e4
Adding CBMEM entry as no. 3
Looking for bad PCIX MHz input
Looking for bad Hot Swap Enable
OK 133MHz & Hot Swap is off
ERROR - cound not find bus for node 0 chain 0, using defaults
ERROR - could not find PCI 1:01.0, using defaults
ERROR - could not find PCI 1:02.0, using defaults
Wrote the mp table end at: 3fff1410 - 3fff15e4

It almost worked.  Can you try the attached patch?

Is it actually booting into Linux?
