> That's not enough. The integers in the url of
> change aswell, not just MICROCODE_VERSION.

I am empirical/practical guy, mit wenig Zeit (zu viele Dinge zu tun), dann ich sole super schnell Denken machen (taking some German practice as well, I must, it is bad).

I see some of earlier MCU packet downloads, so these are the following:

Inline image 1
As we all in Coreboot now see (attn: Martin, Patrick, Ron, Stefan), the latest and greatest you pointed to should be taken and implemented. It is, (Mein Gott), ~ 4,5x size
of old currently used (20150121), so, my best guess, action is here needed on behalf of above mentioned people (to enrich Coreboot MCU database).

> So if you're suggesting that a download fails, that's not the issue.

NOPE! I did/do not suggest that (it is, maybe, language limitation, I feel all the time in German). I suggest to add the 4th I/F (dump_cpuids) in the update-microcodes.sh_

Then, the following file I got from it on 20150121 (attached to this email dump_cpuids.txt).

Furthermore, since you are targeting Haswell, luckily enough, my HP EliteBook 840 G1 is based upon i3-4300U Haswell. What do I have here?


[user@localhost microcode]$ uname -r
[user@localhost microcode]$ dmesg | grep i5
[    0.100550] smpboot: CPU0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4300U CPU @ 1.90GHz (family: 0x6, model: 0x45, stepping: 0x1)
[user@localhost microcode]$ 

This is CPUID 0x40651 (I know this by heart, no questions asked)! ;-)

Now, if you search the file on 40651 I have created and attached on this email, you'll get the following:

Model: 40651(4065x)  Microcode: microcode-m7240651_0000001c.h (copied)

I guess, for one, who is smart, I gave even redundant info. ;-)

Good Luck,
Zoran Stojsavljevic

PS. Please, google what MCU is (Micro Code Unit and purpose of it), I am too lazy to write about it!

On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 1:48 PM, Martin Kepplinger <martink@posteo.de> wrote:
Am 21.11.2017 12:42 schrieb Zoran Stojsavljevic:
I know very little about it really. It may well be potentially bad
to simply use the latest version,
but in case it's really only because nobody did it, I might prepare
a patch to use
downloadmirror.intel.com/27337/eng/microcode-20171117.tgz [1]
instead (someday, after
I testing it on my device).

To understand what is really going on, I did the following
investigation on my only coreboot clone version,
I have on my current SSD the following: WIN10, using VMware®
Workstation 12 Player, version  12.5.8 build-7098237
with Fedora 26 VM, where the coreboot is located.

CLI transcript follows:

_[user@localhost coreboot]$ pwd_
_[user@localhost coreboot]$ git describe_
_[user@localhost coreboot]$ grep -r 20150121 *_
_[user@localhost coreboot]$ cd 3rdparty/blobs/cpu/intel/microcode_
_[user@localhost microcode]$ ls -al_
_total 24_
_drwxrwxr-x.  2 user user 12288 Nov 21 12:27 ._
_drwxrwxr-x. 24 user user  4096 Feb 18  2017 .._
_-rwxrwxr-x.  1 user user  1782 Feb 18  2017 microcode2bin.sh_
_-rwxrwxr-x.  1 user user  2989 Nov 21 12:27 update-microcodes.sh_
_[user@localhost microcode]$ tail -10 update-microcodes.sh _

_DUMP_CPUIDS <<=========================== I ADDED THIS LINE OF CODE


_[user@localhost microcode]$ _

Now, you can substitute 20150121.tgz with 20171117 [1].tgz in bash
shell script update-microcodes.sh and see what will happen?!

That's not enough. The integers in the url of
change aswell, not just MICROCODE_VERSION.

So if you're suggesting that a download fails, that's not the issue.

But maybe I got you wrong. Anyways, I haven't tried to change and run it. I might. so...

