
I'm a newbie in the free software world(I was a web developer on the microsoft .net framework for the past 4 years), though I have some knowledge about programming, I'm not familiar with the develop environment of free software. I have always been willing to develop free softwares, and I hope I can join the coreboot development as my start.
Could you give me some suggestions so that I can get into the coreboot development? Here is some introduction to my current skills.

1. I'm very interested in UEFI/BIOS development.
2. Familiar with <Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manuals>, the description of Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures.
3. Program in x86_64 Assembly, C, C++ and C# Language.
4. Use Debian GNU/Linux Lenny AMD64 as my personal PC operating system.

Thank you!

Buddha Debian GNU/Linux UEFI/BIOS