Thanks for you help though... still working on this.
The Docs say FILO can boot a regular kernel, bzImage, memtest, elf images etc... So I don't know why it was complaining about it not being an ELF. I just thought that was the default. Still same err though.

boot: hda1:/boot/memtest86/memtest.elf console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8
malloc_diag: alloc: 456 bytes (5 blocks), free: 15920 bytes (1 blocks)
malloc_diag: alloc: 472 bytes (6 blocks), free: 15904 bytes (1 blocks)
file_open: dev=hda1, path=/boot/memtest86/memtest.elf
find_ide_controller: found PCI IDE controller 10de:0053 prog_if=0x8a
find_ide_controller: primary channel: compatibility mode
find_ide_controller: cmd_base=0x1f0 ctrl_base=0x3f4
ide_software_reset: Waiting for ide0 to become ready for reset... ok
init_drive: Testing for hda
init_drive: Probing for hda
init_drive: LBA mode, sectors=1019088
init_drive: Init device params... ok
init_drive: Testing for hdb
init_drive: Testing for hdb
devopen: Partition 1 start 59 length 1018989
Mounted ext2fs
malloc_diag: alloc: 456 bytes (5 blocks), free: 15920 bytes (1 blocks)
malloc_diag: alloc: 528 bytes (6 blocks), free: 15848 bytes (1 blocks)
Loading image...
load_segments: segment 0 addr:0x10000 file:0x155f4 mem:0x155f4 loading... clearing... ok
load_segments: Loaded 87540 bytes in 568ms (154KB/s)
malloc_diag: alloc: 792 bytes (7 blocks), free: 15584 bytes (1 blocks)
elf_load: current time: 36403
elf_load: entry point is 0x10000
Jumping to entry point...

INIT detected from  ---- {APICID = 00 NODEID = 00 COREID = 00} ---

Issuing SOFT_RESET...

Thank you

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