On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 10:52 AM, Joseph Smith <joe@settoplinux.org> wrote:

On Thu, 21 Oct 2010 09:50:44 -0400, fengwei zhang <namedylan@gmail.com>
> Hi,
> It seems like coreboot doesn't compile smihandler.c, smmhandler.S, even
> smm.h file. I tried to put some junk into these files, and then make the
> coreboot source code. it could still build the coreboot.rom image. In
> words, coreboot BIOS doesn't use any code under src/cpu/x86/smm/.
> Since SMM is a special mode, am I supposed to use other ways to compile
> mode code?
> Thank you very much!
Well that is really not good!
What kind of board are you trying to compile it for?

I am trying to compile it on ASUS M2V-MS SE. My coreboot image works, but it seem like it doesn't include any SMM code.
Am I supposed to use other ways to compile the coreboot(not just do "Make"), then I could compile SMM code into my BIOS?
