Attention is currently required from: Nico Huber, Furquan Shaikh, shkim, Paul Menzel, SH Kim, Angel Pons, Andrey Petrov, Patrick Rudolph. Julius Werner has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: drivers/intel/fsp2_0: Make framebuffer orientation to be configurable ......................................................................
Patch Set 1:
(1 comment)
File src/drivers/intel/fsp2_0/graphics.c: PS1, Line 103: enum lb_fb_orientation __weak fsp_get_framebuffer_orientation(void)
I assumed it meant a more common place in the code. There seems to be
no need to make this FSP specific.
Well, this is the FSP platform graphics driver, right? This is where the framebuffer info is created for this platform, so this needs to decide the orientation. Other platforms which create framebuffer info in their own graphics drivers also decide the orientation there.
Sorry, I feel like I'm still not getting it.
- I don't think we can simply adjust which of FB_ORIENTATION_LEFT_UP and FB_ORIENTATION_RIGHT_UP we should use for portrait panel. I saw some portrait panels had LEFT_UP setting [], but we need RIGHT_UP setting this time for bugzzy.
Yes, hmm, well... that's fair. I kinda noticed this when working on that panel stuff but hoped that in practice it wouldn't become an issue anytime soon since people would probably always rotate those panels in the same way anyway. Guess they don't. The proper solution is for the mainboard that uses these common panel information structures to associate its own orientation with them, so let's do that: CB:57324.