+1 to everything Raul said.
File payloads/libpayload/README:
Patch Set #6, Line 28: you might have to install the 32bit libgcc version, otherwise
This doesn't really make sense, the issue this is talking about is x86 specific. So I think you should rather change this to something like
On x86 systems, libpayload will always be 32-bit even if your host OS runs
in 64-bit, so you might have to install the 32-bit libgcc version.
The issue is arguably moot these days because people should be using the coreboot toolchain anyway, which will build all the right libraries.
File payloads/libpayload/sample/Makefile:
Why are you removing the three archs?
POWERPC support has been removed a long time ago so I believe this is correct.
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