Christoph Pomaska uploaded patch set #7 to this change.
mb/supermicro/x10slm-f: Add new superio support to board's config
Since the superio support code didnt exist when the board was ported,
the Kconfig was not modified yet to add support for the BMC-chip.
This commit fixes the missing Kconfig entry.
Change-Id: I4f89c2ddcc00327e01d0a83fc13cfa862e6abd70
Signed-off-by: Christoph Pomaska <>
M src/mainboard/supermicro/x10slm-f/Kconfig
M src/mainboard/supermicro/x10slm-f/devicetree.cb
2 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
git pull ssh:// refs/changes/05/34905/7
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