Patch Set 7:
So, I89fdc6066027447bf72968c66e6f5eb5fbb630c7 [1] works for you?
I’d say payload problems are unrelated to postcar changes.
This [1] doesn't work as well, I'll put -1 and share a boot log there. I don't think these are the payload problems:
1) The problems happen even if I choose the same SeaBIOS build
2) It could be that something related to graphic init (resources allocation, AtomBIOS OpROM loading, etc.) got corrupted - i.e. AtomBIOS got overwritten by something else, so the graphics in Linux got broken, or something else like a resource conflict. These problems aren't new - happened a couple times in a coreboot master and have been quickly resolved. It's unlikely these two changes got a problematic parent commit - but if Arthur thinks it could be really a case, hope he rebases these changes on top of a good parent - or fixes the code body of changes to make them work
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