Attention is currently required from: Aaron Durbin, Furquan Shaikh, Julius Werner.
File util/cbfstool/fmd_parser.y:
Patch Set #13, Line 103: | region_flag ',' region_flags { $$.v = $1.v | $3.v; };
This doesn't look wrong, but unrelated? Also, does the previous rule (`region_flag region_flags`) ev […]
I think that's a left over when I implemented the 'UNALIGNED' flags and yes we should remove it. I personally feel (ATTR1,ATTR2) is easier to read than (ATTR1 ATTR2) in the fmd files, but that should not be included in this change.
File util/cbfstool/fmd_scanner.l:
Patch Set #13, Line 31: . return *yytext;
I don't really understand lex at all, but if you want to add `,` as a new valid token for separating […]
No it doesn't. Lex is for parsing string to tokens, and anything not listed will fall into the `. return *yytext;`, rule below, and became the literals (e.g., `'.'`) in the yacc rules.
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