If it passes the build tests, this could be committed soon, and the rest be fixed up in separate follow-up commits.
Patch Set #1, Line 7: Add support for the Fujitsu E900 with autoport generated sources
Please add a prefix:
mainboards: Add support for Fujitsu E900
Move the autoport information to the commit message body please.
Patch Set #1, Line 10: USB is tested and works, PS/2 does not work yet.
Make this a list/enumeration.
Patch Set #1, Line 10: PS/2 does not work yet.
Likely a Super I/O issue.
Please add a little more information.
1. What chipset/processor is this?
2. How much RAM did you test with, and what slots were populated?
3. What payload and version did you use?
4. What Linux kernel version did you use?
5. How did you test USB?
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