Ladies and Gentlemen,
coreboot® is running on a multitude of different computers, ranging from tiny embedded systems as small as the palm of your hand over desktop and server systems to super computers with thousands of nodes. However, one might say that in the area of mobile computers coreboot has to catch up, compared to its support of other devices. Thus, I am especially glad to announce that coresystems GmbH is releasing coreboot® for the Roda RK886EX a.k.a Rocky III+ notebook today. It's a rugged notebook, protected against shock, vibration, dust and humidity:
We have been testing various Linux distributions as well as Windows XP and Windows 7 booting on this nice notebook.
I want to sincerely thank those who made this project possible with their funding: - secunet Security Networks AG - Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnologie (Federal Office for Information Security, BSI)
A big thank you also goes to everyone who worked with coresystems on this project.
Best regards, Stefan Reinauer