[SerialICE] New patch to review for serialice: d1e3d39 Add PCI config register filters

Kyösti Mälkki (kyosti.malkki@gmail.com) gerrit at coreboot.org
Sun Oct 28 21:09:07 CET 2012

Kyösti Mälkki (kyosti.malkki at gmail.com) just uploaded a new patch set to gerrit, which you can find at http://review.coreboot.org/1645


commit d1e3d39e9d63adbf51f897e198775f02a8875af8
Author: Kyösti Mälkki <kyosti.malkki at gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Oct 28 11:02:01 2012 +0200

    Add PCI config register filters
    Config register decoding is enabled by default for IO 0xcf8-0xcff
    access only. To enable decode of MMIO style access, it is necessary
    to add chipset-specific hook to set base of PCI MMIO config space.
    At the moment modifying transactions is limited to conditionally
    dropping a write before it reaches target.
    Change-Id: Ib4241701dcbd5d617749f1223141171eb8093000
    Signed-off-by: Kyösti Mälkki <kyosti.malkki at gmail.com>
 SerialICE/simba/pci_cfg.lua   | 329 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 SerialICE/simba/serialice.lua |   4 +
 2 files changed, 333 insertions(+)

diff --git a/SerialICE/simba/pci_cfg.lua b/SerialICE/simba/pci_cfg.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88ea266
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SerialICE/simba/pci_cfg.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+-- **********************************************************
+-- PCI IO config access
+pci_cfg_action = {}
+PCI_CFG_READ = false
+pci_cfg_hooks = new_list()
+function add_pci_cfg_hook(dev, reg, size, func)
+	local bdfr = bit32.bor(dev.pci_dev, reg)
+	local name = string.format("PCI %x:%02x.%x [%04x]",
+		bit32.band(0xff,bit32.rshift(bdfr, 20)), bit32.band(0x1f,bit32.rshift(bdfr, 15)),
+		bit32.band(0x7,bit32.rshift(bdfr, 12)), bit32.band(0xfff,bdfr))
+	local filter = {
+		id = -1,
+		base = bdfr,
+		dev = dev,
+		reg = reg,
+		size = size,
+		pre = func,
+		name = name,
+		enable = true
+	}
+	enable_hook(pci_cfg_hooks, filter)
+function is_pci_cfg_hooked(bdf)
+	local l = pci_cfg_hooks.list
+	while l do
+		if bdf == bit32.band(l.hook.base, bit32.bnot(0x03))  then
+			return true
+		end
+		l = l.next
+	end
+	return false
+function walk_pci_pre_hooks(list, action)
+	if list == nil or list.list == nil then
+		return false
+	end
+	local l = list.list
+	local f = nil
+	while l do
+		f = l.hook
+		if action.addr == f.base and action.size == f.size then
+			if f.enable and f.pre then
+				f.pre(f, action)
+			end
+		end
+		l = l.next
+	end
+function call_pci_cfg_hook(action, bdf, size, data)
+	if action.stage == PRE_HOOK then
+		if action.write then
+			pre_action(pci_cfg_action, PCI_CFG_WRITE, bdf, size, data)
+		else
+			--pre_action(pci_cfg_action, PCI_CFG_READ, bdf, size, 0)
+		end
+		walk_pci_pre_hooks(pci_cfg_hooks, pci_cfg_action)
+		if pci_cfg_action.dropped then
+			action.dropped = true
+		end
+	elseif action.stage == POST_HOOK then
+	end
+function pci_cfg8_hook(dev, reg, name, hook)
+	add_bar(dev, reg, name, 0)
+	add_pci_cfg_hook(dev, reg, 1, hook)
+function pci_cfg16_hook(dev, reg, name, hook)
+	add_bar(dev, reg, name, 0)
+	add_pci_cfg_hook(dev, reg, 2, hook)
+function pci_cfg32_hook(dev, reg, name, hook)
+	add_bar(dev, reg, name, 0)
+	add_pci_cfg_hook(dev, reg, 4, hook)
+function io_bar_hook(f, action)
+	f.dev.bar[f.reg].val = action.data
+	generic_io_bar(f.dev.bar[f.reg])
+function mem_bar_hook(f, action)
+	f.dev.bar[f.reg].val = action.data
+	generic_mmio_bar(f.dev.bar[f.reg])
+function add_bar(dev, reg, name, size)
+	if not dev.bar then
+		dev.bar = {}
+	end
+	if not dev.bar[reg] then
+		dev.bar[reg] = {}
+		dev.bar[reg].f = nil
+	end
+	dev.bar[reg].name = name
+	dev.bar[reg].val = 0x0
+	dev.bar[reg].size = size
+function add_io_bar(dev, reg, name, size)
+	add_bar(dev, reg, name, size)
+	add_pci_cfg_hook(dev, reg, 2, io_bar_hook)
+function add_mem_bar(dev, reg, name, size)
+	add_bar(dev, reg, name, size)
+	add_pci_cfg_hook(dev, reg, 4, mem_bar_hook)
+function pci_bdf(bus, dev, func, reg)
+	return bus*1048576 + dev*32768 + func*4096 + reg
+-- Catch partial PCI configuration register writes.
+-- This synthesizes 32/16 bit wide access from separate
+-- 16/8 bit accesses for pci_cfg_hooks.
+bv = {}
+function pci_cfg_select(f, bdfr)
+	f.reg.bdfr = bdfr
+	if f.reg.bdfr_hook ~= bdfr then
+		f.reg.bdfr_hook = 0
+		if (is_pci_cfg_hooked(bdfr)) then
+			f.reg.bdfr_hook = bdfr
+		end
+		for i = 0, 3, 1 do bv[i] = false end
+	end
+function pci_cfg_print(f, action, bdfr)
+	local dir_str = "=>"
+	if (action.write) then
+		dir_str = "<="
+	end
+	printk(f, action, "%x:%02x.%x [%02x] %s %s\n",
+		bit32.band(0xff,bit32.rshift(bdfr, 20)), bit32.band(0x1f,bit32.rshift(bdfr, 15)),
+		bit32.band(0x7,bit32.rshift(bdfr, 12)), bit32.band(0xfff,bdfr),
+		dir_str, size_data(action.size, action.data))
+function pci_cfg_access(f, action)
+	if f.reg.bdfr_hook == 0 then
+		return false
+	end
+	if not action.write then
+		return false
+	end
+	local bdfr = f.reg.bdfr_hook
+	local addr = action.addr
+	local size = action.size
+	local data = action.data
+	if not f.reg.reset and ((f.reg.prev_addr ~= addr) or (f.reg.prev_size ~= size)) then
+		new_parent_action()
+	end
+	f.reg.reset = false
+	f.reg.prev_addr = addr
+	f.reg.prev_size = size
+	local av = {}
+	for i = 0, 3, 1 do av[i] = false end
+	ll = 8 * (addr%4)
+	if (size == 1) then
+		av[addr%4] = true
+		bv[addr%4] = true
+		amask = bit32.lshift(0xff, ll)
+		omask = bit32.lshift(data, ll)
+		f.reg.data = bit32.band(f.reg.data, bit32.bnot(amask))
+		f.reg.data = bit32.bor(f.reg.data, omask)
+	elseif (size == 2) then
+		av[addr%4] = true
+		bv[addr%4] = true
+		av[addr%4+1] = true
+		bv[addr%4+1] = true
+		amask = bit32.lshift(0xffff, ll)
+		omask = bit32.lshift(data, ll)
+		f.reg.data = bit32.band(f.reg.data, bit32.bnot(amask))
+		f.reg.data = bit32.bor(f.reg.data, omask)
+	elseif (size == 4) then
+		f.reg.data = data
+		for i = 0, 3, 1 do av[i] = true end
+		for i = 0, 3, 1 do bv[i] = true end
+	end
+	local val = 0
+	val = f.reg.data
+	for i = 0, 3, 1 do
+		if (bv[i] and av[i]) then
+			call_pci_cfg_hook(action, bdfr + i, 1, val)
+		end
+		val = bit32.rshift(val, 8)
+	end
+	val = f.reg.data
+	for i = 0, 2, 1 do
+		if ((bv[i] and bv[i+1]) and (av[i] or av[i+1])) then
+			call_pci_cfg_hook(action, bdfr + i, 2, val)
+		end
+		val = bit32.rshift(val, 8)
+	end
+	val = f.reg.data
+	if (bv[0] and bv[1] and bv[2] and bv[3]) then
+		call_pci_cfg_hook(action, bdfr, 4, val)
+	end
+-- **********************************************************
+-- PCI IO config access
+function pci_io_cfg_pre(f, action)
+	if action.addr == 0xcf8 and action.size == 4 then
+		if action.write then
+			if bit32.band(0x80000000, action.data) ~= 0 then
+				f.reg.reset = true
+				new_parent_action()
+			end
+			local bdfr = 0
+			bdfr = bit32.lshift(action.data, 4)
+			bdfr = bit32.band(bdfr, 0xfffff000)
+			bdfr = bit32.bor(bdfr, bit32.band(action.data, 0xfc))
+			pci_cfg_select(f, bdfr)
+		end
+		return handle_action(f, action)
+	end
+	if action.addr >= 0xcfc and action.addr <= 0xcff then
+		pci_cfg_access(f, action)
+		return handle_action(f, action)
+	end
+	return skip_filter(f, action)
+function pci_io_cfg_post(f, action)
+	if action.addr == 0xcf8 and action.size == 4 then
+		return true
+	end
+	if action.addr >= 0xcfc and action.addr <= 0xcff then
+		local byte_offset = action.addr - 0xcfc
+		pci_cfg_print(f, action, f.reg.bdfr + byte_offset)
+		return true
+	end
+	return false
+filter_pci_io_cfg = {
+	id = -1,
+	name = "PCI",
+	pre = pci_io_cfg_pre,
+	post = pci_io_cfg_post,
+	hide = hide_pci_io_cfg,
+	base = 0xcf8,
+	size = 0x08,
+	reg = { bdfr = 0, bdfr_hook = 0, data = 0,
+		reset = true, prev_addr = 0, prev_size = 0 }
+-- **********************************************************
+-- PCIe MM config access
+function pci_mm_cfg_pre(f, action)
+	local bdfr = 0
+	bdfr = bit32.band(action.addr, bit32.bnot(f.base))
+	bdfr = bit32.band(bdfr, bit32.bnot(0x3))
+	pci_cfg_select(f, bdfr)
+	pci_cfg_access(f, action)
+	return handle_action(f, action)
+function pci_mm_cfg_post(f, action)
+	local bdfr = bit32.band(action.addr, bit32.bnot(f.base))
+	pci_cfg_print(f, action, bdfr)
+	return true
+filter_pci_mm_cfg = {
+	id = -1,
+	pre = pci_mm_cfg_pre,
+	post = pci_mm_cfg_post,
+	hide = hide_pci_mm_cfg,
+	reg = { bdfr = 0, bdfr_hook = 0, data = 0,
+		reset = true, prev_addr = 0, prev_size = 0 }
+function pcie_mm_enable(dev, reg, base, size)
+	local bar = dev.bar[reg]
+	bar.val = base
+	bar.size = size
+	if not bar.f then
+		bar.f = filter_pci_mm_cfg
+	end
+	bar.f.name = bar.name
+	bar.f.base = bar.val
+	bar.f.size = bar.size
+	enable_hook(mem_hooks, bar.f)
+function pcie_mm_disable(dev, reg, base, size)
+	if dev.bar and dev.bar[reg] and dev.bar[reg].f then
+		disable_hook(mem_hooks, dev.bar[reg].f)
+	end
diff --git a/SerialICE/simba/serialice.lua b/SerialICE/simba/serialice.lua
index c179f8c..5529068 100644
--- a/SerialICE/simba/serialice.lua
+++ b/SerialICE/simba/serialice.lua
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ io.write("SerialICE: Starting LUA script\n")
 -- Set to "false" to show undecoded access for the specified class
 hide_rom_access = true
+hide_pci_io_cfg = true
+hide_pci_mm_cfg = true
 -- Set to "true" to log every memory and IO access
 log_everything = false
@@ -46,6 +48,7 @@ dofile("hooks.lua")
 function do_minimal_setup()
 	enable_hook(io_hooks, filter_io_fallback)
@@ -58,6 +61,7 @@ end
 function do_default_setup()
+	enable_hook(io_hooks, filter_pci_io_cfg)

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