[SeaBIOS] [SEABIOS] Plans for either 1.9.1 or 1.10.0?

Ian Campbell ian.campbell at citrix.com
Thu Jan 14 15:50:19 CET 2016


The xen.git development branch currently points to SeaBIOS rel-1.9.0, but
Roger has tripped over a build issue which is fixed by 3b8c5378dfe2 "build:
fix typo in buildversion.py".

Is there any plan for either a 1.9.1 or a 1.10.0 in the near future which
would include this, so I can roll forward to that?

Or if not a 1.9.1 release perhaps for now just a 1.9-stable branch could be

No problem if not, we'll just track master for a bit until there is a


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