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Just tried to contact you guys via irc chat. Here is the transcript:<br>
13:47 -!- Irssi: Join to #flashrom was synced in 1 secs<br>
13:47 < quinn> hello, need help with a failed flash on an Intel Bay Trail <br>
13:48 < quinn> Detected flash chip is Winbond W25Q64.W 8192 kB, SPI mapped at <br>
phy addr 0xff800000<br>
13:50 < quinn> System is an industry pc with model LEC-3030T<br>
13:51 < quinn> Bios made by Aptio.<br>
13:52 < quinn> dmidecode says Vendor is AMI with bios version 5.6.5 and release <br>
date 05/05/2016<br>
13:52 < quinn> BIOS revision 5.6 according to dmidecode<br>
13:54 < quinn> Re-reading the flash results in same size rom file but filled <br>
with "ff".<br>
13:55 < quinn> I have the original rom saved.<br>
13:56 < quinn> flashrom shows warning when reading or writing: BIOS region SMM <br>
protection is enabled!<br>
13:57 < quinn> flashrom version used is v0.9.9-rc1-r1942<br>
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<p>Best regards,<br>
Quinn Plattel<br>
Senior Network Engineer - BLUETOWN<br>
+45 53 70 85 67 - q@bluetown.com - Skype ID: dalilai<br>
Per Henrik Lings Allé 4, 3rd Floor - 2100 Copenhagen O - DK - +45 31 66 00 07 - www.bluetown.com<br>
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqERoJFeQNU"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/ZPkPX8i.png"></a>