[coreboot] Can coreboot for KabyLake rvp11 work on Intel Sasby Island kit?

Nico Huber nico.huber at secunet.com
Mon Jan 8 14:01:45 CET 2018

Hello Jay,

On 06.01.2018 07:13, Jay Talbott wrote:
> Be careful using the public Kaby Lake FSP from github for SkyLake-U or
> KabyLake-U processors… my first attempt resulted in two different CRBs
> (one RVP7 and one RVP15) becoming boat anchors – even restoring the
> original BIOS made no difference, the boards were completely bricked and
> had to be sent back to Intel for new functional replacements.

can you please elaborate which binary caused this issue and why you sus-
pect that it's related to -U SKUs. There are two versions on github by
now. One is tagged KabylakeFsp0001, the other (current HEAD) is called
"Gold release" with no tag at all (8267cde097).

We use KabylakeFsp0001 here with Skylake-H and, IIRC, Purism uses it
with Skylake-U.

> I have no idea if/when the latest version of the FSP that I am now using
> which actually works on the RVP7 and RVP15 will be publicly released.
> That’s completely up to Intel.

In my experience, we'll never figure that out. Even when they release
a new version on github, you can never tell to which version of the
(original?) FSP it corresponds (unless you find the exact same binary,
of course).


M. Sc. Nico Huber
Senior Berater SINA-Softwareentwicklung
Netzwerk- & Client-Sicherheit / Network & Client Security
Division Öffentliche Auftraggeber / Public Authorities
secunet Security Networks AG

Tel.: +49-201-5454-3635, Fax: +49-201-5454-1325
E-Mail: nico.huber at secunet.com
Mergenthalerallee 77, 65760 Eschborn, Deutschland

secunet Security Networks AG
Sitz: Kurfürstenstraße 58, 45138 Essen, Deutschland
Amtsgericht Essen HRB 13615
Vorstand: Dr. Rainer Baumgart (Vors.), Axel Deininger, Thomas Pleines
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Ralf Wintergerst
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