[LinuxBIOS] MB1030 / 3036 VGA comes up :D

Richard Smith smithbone at gmail.com
Mon May 1 20:33:55 CEST 2006

> I'm not sure, but I have had a run with enabled printk in sys.c
> result is attached.

Comment out the if() sections on the IO and just leave the printks
(enable the 32 bit IO prints as well) and send it to me.  The log is
generates will be huge so send it to me direct.  No need to clutter
the list.

> Currently I don't know what happens on the commented lines, but the rest
>   is fast. Only on the commented lines it stops and takes the long delays.

I'm going to try and match up your commented lines with what IO is
happening at that time and perhaps generate a clue.

> Why c000, I think it should be c0000??

No its correct.

16-bit 0xc000:0000 = 32-bit 0xc0000

Richard A. Smith

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